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Busted are one of my other fave bands! They're fit, great singers, and can play guitars better than anyone else i've ever heard play! Here's more about them:


This was given to me by my mate KATE! Thanx a lot babes! xxx

(sorry if this offends anyone in any way)

James Bourne (20)
Matt Jay (??)
Charlie Simpson (19)
They all play guitar. I dont know much about them at the mo, but i'll get my m8s to help me find out more!

They've had two hit albums so far: Busted and A Present For Everyone. They've also done lots of summer shows along with tours which have also all gone successfully.

Their singles so far:
*What I Go To School For
*You Said No
*Year 3000
*Sleeping With The Light On

*Air Hostess
*Crashed the Wedding
*Who's David
*3am/Thunderbirds Are Go


AMERICA OR BUSTED!!!!!! (mtv - thurs 10.30pm)
so far we have seen three of the's a quick re-cap of what has happened in each episode so far...
1. (info yet to be added)
2. (info yet to be added)
3. (info yet to be added)

Please go to the next page to find the songowords to Busted's latest single!